I want to get into something that for the most part, has been overlooked or, ignored, mostly on purpose because of deep hurts and strongholds of the enemy.
When you get upset about what somebody has done, (something in the past), you have allowed that person to have control over your life. You may have a certain expectation and it was not met. You can do something about it starting today to make a difference.
Feelings follow thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change your feelings. If you find that difficult to do, take some positive actions. {Here is something else, “Thoughts move you to Action then to end results. Therefore, Wrong thoughts = wrong actions = wrong end results”.}
The PAST, by meditating and dwelling and acting on it - will alter your future.
It is a letting go of the past, to neglect it, which = to ignore, to leave out (on purpose), to omit, to overlook, even to despise it (to think very little of).
All of these meanings carry the idea of [a willful putting out of mind, or purposefully leaving out the past].
NEVER (in this passage, does it mean to totally be erased from your memory). And I think that we again, took our imaginary pencil and unconsciously, wrote that in there - and thought that if God delivered me (I mean really delivered me from it), that ALL memory would be gone totally, as if to have no Idea or recollection of ever doing that particular thing.
Rom. 3:25 – cp/w 2Cor. 5:17…. Every sin that was committed, (before you became a Christian), are sins that are PAST.
Meditating on your past can distort and give you wrong views of not only your past, but your present and future. [Remember that the apostle Paul told us the one thing that he did,
“forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before”,. ]
Q: Why forget the past? A: Because you aren’t living there, you’re living in the NOW.
(Philip 3:14 KJV) I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
You cannot just forget the past without – PRESSING into the mark of a higher calling.
With some people, their PAST consumes them their entire working lives and controls what they decide to say or do. Living this way will either slowly or quickly sabotage their lives and relationships with friends and family.
The past (negative, and hurtful past), is like the torturing method used in Roman Empire. They would strap a dead body on the live prisoner (this would cause the living body to decompose slowly).
Note: Acronym for the word “PAST”; (for both positive & negative past)
P = Picture of the mind
A = Altered in a
S = Suppress State of mind to
T = Terminate / Torture, your present & future
So the point here is do not live in your PAST even if you’ve had good past memories, if you try to relive them - they will effect your present.