· (Eph 5:21 KJV) Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
· (Eph 5:22 KJV) Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
It is not just the Wife who needs to submit – but the preceding verse states that both the husband and wife should submit to each other.
I N T R O D U C T I O N… … .
Tony Evans gave a good analogy and said something profound;
“Not long ago he discovered a lot of movement, trimmer and shimmer in his steering wheel. He took it to be checked out only to find out that it was not the wheel itself that was the problem – but the ALIGNMENT that was the problem. Even the tires were wearing unevenly simply because the tires were not aligned properly.
Even if new tires were bought, they would have worn out because of being out of alignment.
There are a lot of worn-out relationships today, and trimmer in people’s lives, MARRIAGES are unraveling to where you can see that the tread is almost gone, and the steel is showing.
People try to replace it with new relationships, or even try to fix it with new programs, when they have not solved the basic problem – of the “ALIGNMENT, being out of order”.
God created a way for marriage to work but only if it is ALIGNED properly with the word of God.
CHECK YOUR MARRIAGE ALIGNMENT – because you may be fixing (or attempting to fix), the WRONG things”.
My wife and I know that our marriage is not perfect (I am far from perfect), however, we have learned how to deal with each other.
There is a martial art movie called “Enter the Dragon” (with the late Bruce Lee), in it there was a scene where a martial artist walked up to Bruce Lee and asked him “What’s your style?”, but Bruce (being the gentleman that he is), told him, “You could say that it is the art of fighting without fighting”. He then said, “Show me some of it”,
My wife and I have learned this art (within our marriage), the art of fighting without fighting. There are many couples that need to learn this as well – not to push and fight to be right.
· (1Co 13:5 KJV) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
“Seeketh not her own” means that love does not insist on its own rights.
Spend time with God and get information regarding your relationship with your spouse – and allow the Holy Spirit to fix your alignment.