I have discovered something about myself that I’d like to share with you. I have learned the importance of returning to living single. Living single is not talking about people who are “single”, not married, or in a relationship. Living single is a personal decision of Christians who has made the choice to spend more time with their personal savior one on one.
This may not apply to everyone, but some of us have had a hard time making the world around us quiet enough to hear God. The quiet time is to seek God and listen for instructions for our individual lives. Asking Him which way to go, what to remove or add to our lives. It’s not a one-time thing; we should seek God to make sure we are on the right track for our personal journeys as we move forward with our assignments here on this planet.
Living single requires my focus to be on my path in my own life. Notice, this is something for Christians who are wanting more out of life with Christ. It is something we should be doing but fail to do at times because of our busy lives. We are going to church, helping others, working on our jobs, taking the kids to soccer practice, going to bible studies and prayer services, and I could go on, but you get the picture.
Please do not misunderstand what I am saying, all those things are necessary and important, but we must include our personal time with God “living single” as important too, or all the other things will become senseless and time-stealers.
We are to lead others to Christ through our love, sincere hearts, and example of what time with God can look like. Not out of doing what we see others doing or because this is what is expected of us at our churches. Follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit He will lead you to be the follow-up person or leave knowing He has released you. Living single, time before God sets you free from doubt and unbelief in these situations.
As Christians, we have been chosen to live our lives to bring glory to God in all we say and do.
When we believe God made us perfect and complete in Him, we will no longer feel like something is missing in us. I am starting to believe my strength might not be the same as others that I compare myself to and that’s fine. We all have God-given talents that are uniquely fitted for our part in the body of Christ. We all have our part to play in the body, so we function properly and each part matters. We are all important, there are no worthless people in Christ. How awesome is that! We all have the same opportunities in life. The word of God says:
Something we all should remember is, God called all those who invited Him into their lives to be holy. Holiness is not for certain people like pastors, leaders, teachers, and so on. Holiness is for all; young, old, rich, or poor, the only requirement is salvation.
Holiness is not separate from daily living because we are still here on this planet. There is an expression we have all heard before: “He’s so heavenly-minded, he’s no earthly good”. It makes one think if you focus on God too much, then you won’t be of any use to others down here on earth. What are your thoughts regarding this statement?
The Bible tells us to be heavenly-minded.
Holiness does not call for us to spend all our time alone with God. Yes, we do spend time with God in prayer and His word. The time we spend should send us back into the world more determined to love and do the work we were anointed and appointed to do.
I do trust this was an important read for you. This is meant to provoke questions in you that only you can answer. After answering, I pray you will have a desire to study this topic more for yourself, it is enjoyable!