I have noticed the decline of the power of God in many churches and people, (even in my own life and ministry), and I know that God is not pleased. So, I plan to do something about it and I trust that if you since the power of god is diminishing in your life, you will as well.
Most people feel as though they do not pray enough, whether they are praying for five minutes or an hour, if emotions and feelings are magnified more than the W.O.G., it will not be unusual to feel terribly inadequate when it comes to prayer and intercession.
Definition: share one’s intimate thoughts or feelings (someone or something), especially when the exchange is on a spiritual level. The purpose of praying is to communicate with god.
Depending on the Kind of prayer used:
Fasting is a tool that can be used together with prayer to get things accomplished.
Though there are different ways to fast, some may fast their time, others fast food for physical reasons-cleansing not for discipline the flesh to get closer to God).
I want to encourage you to spend time (if you haven’t) in praying. Or, if you have, then to spend more time in fasting and praying. Why? Because prayer is essential to living every day. It is especially necessary to live a Christian life. Without Prayer, you will live a powerless Christian life.